Sunday, April 22, 2012

A flipped classroom

Before I begin this post, I'd just like to say that this week I was assigned to watch a video entitled "Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education".  What I find incredibly ironic is that about a month ago, I borrowed an Ipad from our board office to play with and when I went to school, I asked all the kids if they knew of a apple app which they use on a regular basis which helps them with school.  One of my students said that I desperately needed to download Khan Academy as it has lots of math videos which teach the concepts online.  So one weekend, I decided to google the website and I came across a video explaining Salman Khan's vision about sending the students home to learn the subject and then having them practise in class with their peers.  That video was the one which I am currently assigned to watch.  Fabulous!

Now while I would love to get into detail, my instructor reminded us to keep it brief.  

Something new you picked up from the video

  • That we as teachers can videotape our lessons and have students learn at home at their own pace (and multiple times if needed) 

Something you are wondering about (a question)

  • How much time and effort this actually takes to implement.  Would the board support us in making the time to get this organized (especially in french immersion as it is extremely hard to find resources as it is)?
A connection you are making or something you would like to try

  • I have already implemented in my classroom a system (which is not fully functional yet as this is my first year teaching my current grade) where my students have access to links which can help them practise concepts at home (whether it be in Grammar or Math), or they can watch/look at teachings at their own pace.  What I would love to try, is giving each student in my class a topic to become an expert on, have them make some sort of technological presentation, it be uploaded onto our server which can then be viewed by anyone in our grade to relearn materials taught in class.    


  1. Sorry for asking you to keep it short!
    How do you deal with students who do not have access to technology at home?

  2. Well I am fortunate enough to be in a middle class neighbourhood where each child has access to a computer. My students are also coming from Literacy @ school classes in which they are accustomed to using technology on a daily basis and many parents have purchased their own devices for the students to use at school as well. If for whatever reason they did not have access, I would try and find a way for that child to bring a school device home with them at night.
